Malawi(MNN) —Hopegivers
International's Michael Glenn says what began two years ago with famine relief
has blossomed into hope…specifically, a Hope Home in Malawi.
An organization that has focused mainly on India, it is now taking the years of experience there and tailored it to a new plan in Africa. HGI has plans for the launch of four Hope Homes in Malawi.
More than another 'orphanage,' it's about a long-term commitment to giving the sense of family. Numbers show that while the HIV/AIDS rate is high, the greater threat to children is malaria. Between the loss of the adults to HIV/AIDS and a child's inability to care for themselves, many die from unrelated issues connected to the pandemic.
That's what makes the Hope Home different. The staff is putting the kids in a family structure. The parameters are close to two parents overseeing a home of 10 children.
What's happening there is growth beyond words. Glenn just took a team to share the blessing and their future vision. We took this group to help minister by bringing them food and aid, to also visit with people, to visit hospitals and the prison, to deliver food, to teach them how to do some of these things…just to interact and bless these people any way we could.
Glenn says the blessing goes both ways as people build relationships. It's an investment in people, seeded by the hope of Christ. "The difference is, when people are engaged, and that's purpose, how much more you do to impact the region when you're involved in this personally, and not just do this from a bureaucratic process. When you roll up your sleeves, and you get yourself dirty, God uses it, I think, more effectively." If you want to help, click here.