Mission Network News, OneWay Ministries reflects: God reigns!

By December 29, 2017

United States (MNN) – As the year finishes out, ministries are looking back in awe at all God has accomplished. The staff at Mission Network News has the unique perspective to see God’s providence both internally and through our media partnerships.

But if one message sticks out above all others from 2017, it’s a message that has been true since the beginning of time: God reigns in all situations. OneWay Ministries, the parent ministry of MNN, recognizes this through a video they produce annually called “You Reign.” The video reflects on major events that took place over the previous year. And in a way, it represents the sum total of what OneWay and its ministries are all about.

(Property of Mission Network News)

Rich Huls is the executive director of MNN. He says, “The song ‘You Reign,’ I think, says it all. But what we do is we put together that video and remind ourselves and remind others that as we go through the events of the year, the good, the bad, whatever they were, that God has reigned through it all.”

But with that reflection comes an invitation to the rest of the Body of Christ: join us in prayer and the work to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.

Huls says, “OneWay Ministries is about reaching people, reaching as many people as possible, and about using the media of our day–the tools of our day to get that done.”

MNN became one of the media-based branches of OneWay in the summer of 2016. And as we came under the umbrella of OneWay, we joined our decade-old sister ministry, Prayercast.

MNN exists to inform the Body of Christ about what is happening around the world. But not only that, the news outlet’s heartbeat is to share how God is working in and through those news stories.

Recognizing God’s sovereignty in the news

While Prayercast tells the broader stories of peoples and nations, MNN hones in on the day-to-day happenings in different regions of the world. But both ministries recognize that there is always something that can be done about the news we hear.

Huls says, “When you listen to a Mission Network News story—you’ll hear about the same incidents that you’ll hear on the regular secular news out there—the earthquakes, the tragedies. But what you’ll also hear is — because we’re recording from our media partners and getting their input into it– we’re getting the feedback from what God is doing in those bad situations because he is there.”

And knowing God is there helps to encourage believers, foremost, to pray.

“Our mission at Mission Network News is really to tell the stories of God’s work through his people around the world every day and encourage the Body of Christ to pray, give, and go.”

2017 in review

Over the last year, whether it was through the stories we wrote or simply the ways God provided for our ministry, we were reminded time and time again that God is faithful. He makes the impossible possible. He provides.

In 2017, MNN was able to bring on another full-time writer and appoint an executive director. We made connections with new freelance writers who share the same heart for the Great Commission. God grew strategic partnerships that enabled us to tell more stories from around the globe.

Even in the little things he has been pouring out his blessings. Just a few months ago, we were able to make crucial updates on our website. And, our news content has even been made more accessible for those on the go.

Huls explains, “If you’re an Amazon Alexa user and you set your flash news briefing to Mission Network News, you can hear in just a few minutes, the stories of what’s going on and you can pray and be a part of what God [is doing].”

Looking ahead, the team is anticipating a new web widget which will help to integrate the broad scope of Prayercast with the specific stories of MNN.

“It’s just pretty exciting what’s coming next year because he keeps blessing [the ministry] and he keeps opening these wonderful doors for it,” Huls says.

If you like staying informed about how the news that’s happening corresponds with the Great Commission, consider walking alongside us in the new year.

“We are a ministry and we are ministers, and we can only stay on the air with the support of media partners and those who feel led to join us by supporting us. So, if God leads you so after prayer, please help support the work of Mission Network News. But [we’d] ask specifically that everyone who listens to Mission Network News, please pray.”

If you’d like to support us financially, click here.


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