India (MNN) — “Even though we have eyes, we live as blind people.”
This quote by one of Mission India’s Adult Literacy Class students poignantly describes life when you can’t read, write, or even spell your own name.

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)
Jan with Mission India says through Adult Literacy Classes, this student “saw the transformation [and] she was able to embrace and be fully part of society. But not only that, of course – her eyes were opened spiritually to who Jesus Christ is.”
Approximately 300 million people in India are illiterate, and the majority are women.
Jan says, “You’re vulnerable to being cheated in the marketplace. You could be cheated out of your wages. And then you are at increased risk as well to bonded labor or a scheme of human trafficking. And you’re just unable to participate in society.”
Through biblically-based Adult Literacy Classes, Mission India is empowering Indian women to be “Difference Makers” – in their homes, their workspaces, and ministry!
Difference Maker: A Women’s Night Out
As Mission India seeks to encourage women in India and worldwide to be “Difference Makers,” they are hosting an in-person event called Difference Maker: A Women’s Night Out in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

(Image courtesy of Mission India)
Jan says the Difference Maker event is “kind of like a women-to-women thing. Women lifting up women!”
This event will be hosted at Calvary Church on Thursday, October 7th at 6:30 pm. There will be praise and worship, dessert, and a speaker from Proverbs 31 Ministries, Amy Carroll.
“She is a dynamic speaker with a wonderful humor and a wonderful, sensitive heart,” Jan says. “She’ll be sharing specifically about how God has given each of us a place of influence where our voice is crucial. And she’s going to be talking about ‘How do godly women speak up in godly ways?’ and challenging each one of us.”
Attendees will also learn about a special opportunity to support fellow women in India through Mission India’s Adult Literacy Classes. And go on a virtual reality tour of India!
It costs just $8 to attend Difference Maker. You can register online for your ticket here. And bring along another woman in your life – whether it’s your mother, a friend, neighbor, or even your small group!
How to Pray

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)
Can’t attend the event? You can still pray!
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move among Indian women in Mission India’s Adult Literacy Classes. Ask the Lord to bless their families and work, encourage the class teachers, and to lead many Indian women into relationship with Jesus.
And pray for the women at the Difference Maker event to be inspired to speak up in godly ways and have a Christ-like impact in their circles of influence.
Jan says through the event, “My hope is that women are inspired to grow tender hearts, to grow strong voices that will make a difference in changing lives through literacy, and ultimately, really through the love of Jesus Christ!”
Header photo courtesy of Mission India.