Ukraine (MNN) — Imagine living alone in the middle of a war zone, falling asleep every night to the sound of gun shots and not even being able to see what’s happening around you.
That’s what life is like for Vera, an elderly blind woman living in the Eastern Ukrainian village of Granite. But when she was recently visited by students from Mission Eurasia’s School Without Walls program–an informal education course training young people for spiritual leadership, she was overjoyed. The students came in the name of Christ, bringing her food to help with her tight finances.
“The most precious thing for me was being able to talk with the believers,” Vera shares, according to a Facebook post by Mission Eurasia. “Thank you very much for the food, which is such a big help for me! I’ll pray for God to save you from the dangers on the road and to direct you to the most needy.”
Vera is just one of many Ukranians Mission Eurasia is helping through its “I Care” Refugee Assistance program. The program is an effort to give those affected by war a sense of peace and hope by introducing them to the Gospel. This summer, the SWW program led camps for over 10,000 children in 13 countries throughout Eurasia, including special camps for children in Eastern Ukraine scarred by war.
Can you help Mission Eurasia continue to serve those affected by war, as well as other hurting souls in Europe and Asia? You can help Mission Eurasia meet physical and spiritual needs, as well as raise up a new generation of Christian leaders through your financial support.
You can also help through prayer. Mission Eurasia asks on its Web site that you pray for an end to the violence in Eastern Ukraine, and that religious freedom would thrive.
Prayers are being offered and more help is coming as God leads. I place Eastern Ukraine in God’s Hands for help and rescue, to His praise and glory and their peace and comfort. He is the God of the Impossible! The God of Love, and the God of Peace! Amen!