Chad (MNN) — Have you ever wondered if teaching school was considered missionary service?
Debbie Weissenburger, the Head Teacher of Wellspring Academy in N’Djamena, Chad, can answer definitively, “Yes!”
She summed up the purpose of the school this way:
The goal of the school is two-fold: We would like to retain missionary families by offering an excellent English education, slowing the attrition of families departing for lack of educational options. We would also like to recruit families to work in Chad. If there is a school for their children, ministry in Chad is more attractive. We plan to run a day school through the year and also offer support services to the home school families who serve throughout the country of Chad.
Chad is home to over 70 unreached people groups, which means mission fields, which means missionaries, families, and children. A school provides vital support to Christian workers and their families, helping them know that their children are receiving the educational foundation they need when they return to their home countries.
Opened in August 2010, the Wellspring Academy, supported by Africa Inland Mission, provides an English-medium education from grades 1–6 to children of Christian cross-cultural workers. There is a double emphasis of providing a day school for children close enough to attend and also support to families who are homeschooling. It has since grown to 19 students.
However, while the school is on its feet, they still need long-term teachers. They also have an urgent need for a 7th & 8th Grade Teacher. The immediate short-term need is for August 2014 – May 2015.
Pray for more teachers and an administrator for 2014-2015. Pray for refreshment and blessed times with family and supporters. Please help spread the word about this need by sharing this post with friends, Christian teachers, educator groups, and your church. Click here to get connected with AIM.
Who would I need to contact if I am interested in the teaching position?
Hi Katie! Thanks for your interest. Debbie Weissenburger is the person you need to connect with, and she can be reached by email: [email protected]
Wuduiyi Zystus Shipuh, you may contact Africa Inland Mission’s Africa office with your questions at this Web address: http://www.aimint.org/za/contact.
Many Blessings!