Pakistan (MNN) — Osama bin Laden, who helped plan the 9/11 terror attacks, was killed in 2011. Ever since, his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan has sat in ruins. Some want it transformed into a playground for children. Others think it should become a cemetery.
Jason Woolford of Mission Cry says the place has a dark history. That’s why the ministry wants to send thousands of Bibles to the surrounding houses. Woolford says, “It’s a big project. We can’t talk too much more about it. But we need funding for this. This project is going to cost about $11,000. But we are going to be able to get strategically the Word of God in and around that area. We can’t talk about specific timeframes, but it will be done this year, as people come alongside.”
How to pray
Woolford asks listeners to pray for the safety of the delivery team. “[The team leader] is very confident in being able to get to that location. It would be eight to ten hours of travel for him and our team, and then they would distribute. So those that are listening, we need you to really pray for the protection of this. Because quite honestly, I don’t know of any ministry that is in Abbottabad giving the Word of God.”
You can donate to this effort here. In a place scarred by cycles of pain and violence, pray this ministry will bless many people with the love and hope of Jesus.
The header photo shows the former site of the compound. (Sajjad Ali Qureshi, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons)