Nigeria (MNN) — Nigerian Christians are facing intense persecution, and Mission Cry hopes to bring these believers encouragement through the power of God’s Word.
Jason Woolford of Mission Cry explains the crisis in Nigeria centers around Islamic persecution of Christians. Some reports state over 1,000 Christians have been brutally murdered since the beginning of the year. Even those working to help others such as aid workers aren’t safe.
“The devil seems to be overactive in Nigeria,” Woolford says.
Many of these believers feel alone, especially with recent focus shifting to the pandemic.
“They feel cut off and forgotten. Whether they’re foreign missionaries or our Nigerian brethren, [they] hear and read about the body of Christ, and it’s silent,” Woolford explains.
Crucial Encouragement
In the face of all these atrocities and discouragements, Woolford believes putting Scripture into the hands of persecuted believers remains vital.

(Photo courtesy of Mission Cry)
“We’re going to be giving people the Word of God, the only thing that doesn’t return void,” he says. “[We’re] sending the word in hopes that it will encourage our brothers who are believers, our sisters in Christ, that [it] will encourage them to read about the God they’re being martyred for.”
Woolford says Mission Cry has already sent one shipment of new and used Bibles and Christian books, and they hope to send more. Many Nigerians are fluent in English, and missionaries working in the country emphasize the need for these resources.
“Our guy who does prison ministry throughout Nigeria [is] not asking for water. He’s not asking for food. He’s not asking for money. He’s asking for the Word of God, a used Bible that has marks in it. He’s saying, ‘We need this. This is the only thing that is going to change our country.’”
One way you can partner with Mission Cry in this ministry is by making a donation to help pay for these containers to take the Nigerian people God’s Word.
“We sent containers to multiple places on faith and good credit. These two to Nigeria, one of them has been sponsored the other one has not,” Woolford says. “That means $10,000 must be raised for this container to Nigeria that has a half a million dollars worth of free Bibles and Christian books that we’re giving away and distributing for free. We need somebody or multiple people to come alongside and help raise that $10,000 so we can continue to do what we’re doing.”
Power of Prayer
Woolford also asks for prayer that these containers will reach their destinations with as little trouble as possible. One has already been shipped.

(Photo courtesy of Mission Cry)
“Be praying that these containers would not be held up in the port, that they would be supernaturally hidden from the wicked ones, and that we could get those cleared and get them distributed,” he says.
Additionally, please pray for the country of Nigeria and all the believers who continue to live in fear, feel forgotten, and suffer in the name of Christ.
*Header image courtesy of Mission Cry