Lesotho (MNN)–Mission Aviation Fellowship planes are providing vital ministry support to Lesotho.
In many areas, it’s the only way that the Gospel, medical help, education and food can be delivered.
Teams aboard the MAF planes tackle basic needs in order to bring the hope of Christ. The planes are making it possible for the Flying Doctors Service to operate.
Nine medical clinics and three medical outposts assisting 220,000 people rely totally on MAF for their supplies, personnel and life flight.
As for teachers, trainers, doctors and nurses, evangelists and Bible teachers, they’re all borne by an MAF plane and have been working hard to educate people on the dangers and prevention of AIDS.
As a result, people are responding. While many don’t have access to a pastor or a church, God is using the partnering mission groups to bring change and revival to Lesotho.
The Southern Baptists are responding by sending more missionaries, all carried in by MAF teams. The Nazarenes are helping to build churches and plan to increase their efforts in discipleship and evangelism.
The help is given freely of the heart, but every MAF flight in Africa needs $28 in partnership to help cover some of the flight costs. This amount will roughly cover the cost of carrying 88 pounds of cargo to isolated people in Lesotho and other countries of Africa. If you’d like to help, go to: www.maf.org.