India (MNN) — Bright Hope International's vision is to reach out to bring hope to those earning less than $1 per day.
Bright Hope's Craig Dyer explains what they do. "We're going to the poorest of the poor in the world. We're going into their communities, we're planting a church, we're working with the church that may already be there. We're providing food, shelter physical needs, and then we're looking to do economic needs."
Take India, for example. Bright Hope is breaking new ground in northern India, where there are few Christians. The area in question spans most of the Indo-Gangetic plain of the country and has always played a prominent role in Indian political and cultural movements.
This area has a population of 166 million–that means one-sixth of the world's population lives in India, and one-sixth of India's population lives in this region. Yet, it is estimated that only about 0.1% (point one percent) of the population is Christian.
The Delhi Bible Institute has trained many students from the region, and many of them have gone on to plant churches. It's an absolutely strategic area for reaching North India with the Gospel.
Despite persecution, God is moving in the region. The immediate need is to purchase the land for a church and training center before the end of the year, costing $177,000. Without securing property, land and building costs continue to rise, and no training can take place until a safe place is secured.
Dyer says they caught the vision of local pastors for building an evangelistic resource center. "We need 110 people to be engaged in this project. I'm asking if there are people listening today to get in touch with me. This is one of the poorest states. This is one of the least reached areas of India, a more critical area for us to be engaged with." Click here if you can help.