Missio Nexus 2024: progress, prospects, and the Panta ta Ethne

By September 3, 2024

USA (MNN) — “Reaching the unreached” is a popular phrase in U.S. Christian missions circles. It often refers to Christ’s Great Commission mandate to “go and make disciples” of all nations.

Missio Nexus President Ted Esler says, “When we talk about unreached people groups, we’re talking about entire cultures in which there are few to no Christians.”

Fifty years ago, “Ralph Winter suggested that we prioritize those people as we strategize in global mission,” Esler adds.

Now, it’s time to reflect on that strategy. Missio Nexus has the tools and platform needed for such an analysis.

(Graphic courtesy of Missio Nexus)

At next week’s annual Missio Nexus conference, “We’re doing a review: what’s been good about it, what has not been so good? How can we do better in this area? What’s the current status of reaching unreached people groups?” Esler says.

More about the 2024 Mission Leaders Conference here.

Reaching the unreached may be the event’s overarching theme, but there’s something for every mission and church leader in attendance. “We have one event, but it’s two conferences,” Esler says.

“We have the Mission Leaders Conference, which is focused on mission agency leadership, and then we also have the Church Mission Leaders Conference, which is [focused on] the mission leaders that are out there working in churches.”

In both settings, “we are about getting people in the room to share what they’re learning with other ministry leaders and breaking down organizational silos,” Esler continues.

“We talk about the best way to do missions globally, what people are learning, and what people struggle with. We’ll have about 70 workshops, plenaries, and many networking opportunities.”

The conference starts next Wednesday in Louisville, Kentucky, but there’s still time to join. Connect with the Missio Nexus team here.

“If you sent us an email, we would probably consider having you join us, even up to the event day,” Esler says.

“Our event is focused on leadership. We’ll probably have about 130 to 150 mission agency presidents or CEOs; some of them will be denominational leaders in the missions departments, as well as church mission leaders.”



Header image is a stock photo depicting business people at a conference. (Photo courtesy of HIVAN ARVIZU @soyhivan/Unsplash)

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