India (STM) — Sammy Tippit Ministries recently concluded evangelistic
meetings, a pastors' conference, and student discipleship in the northwestern
state of Punjab. Sammy Tippit preached in the evangelistic meetings and taught
in the pastors' conference, while Dave Tippit led the student discipleship
through his ministry, Eternal Concepts.
The evangelistic meetings were the largest that Tippit has ever
held in the region. Each evening, many people responded to the message on "victory in life." The crowds increased nightly, and the response to the message also grew.
Nearly half of those in attendance responded on the final evening.
Tippit noted, "God is doing something wonderful here in the Punjab. People
are open. They are responding to the Gospel. Many Sikhs have come to Christ in
the Punjab. It's exciting to see God at work." Pastor Nazir Masih agreed, stating,
"The people of the Punjab are hungry for the good news of Jesus. This time has
been a great blessing for us."
Tippit not only conducted the evangelistic meetings, but he also led a Pastors' Conference in a desert region of the Punjab with pastors who don't
normally have the opportunity to attend leadership conferences. Many of the
pastors are new believers and have been learning from "Jolly" Singh, who
translates for Tippit. Pastors gave testimony of a deep work of God's Spirit in
their lives. The church has been growing rapidly — some would describe it as
multiplying. Most of the pastors attending the conference were new in their
walk with Christ.
Tippit also met a number of new believers who had come to Christ through his
ministry in previous trips to the Punjab. He said, "One of my greatest joys is
to meet these believers who have continued in their walk with Christ."
Dave Tippit also ministered in Punjab, pouring into the lives of students
from Chandighar. More than 65 students attended the discipleship seminar
provided by Eternal Concepts. EC has been working in partnership with
STM on many STM outreaches around the world. Young people gave testimonies
of a deep work of God.