Afghanistan (MNN) — As the rest of the world remembered the 9-11 terrorist attacks, Afghanistan is facing its strongest upsurge in violence in a long time. A few days ago a suicide bomber rammed into a U-S army convoy near the U-S Embassy, killing 16 people. Then, another suicide bomber killed a provincial governor, along with his body guard and nephew. NATO leaders warn a suicide bombing cell is targeting foreign troops.
CURE International’s Dale Brantner just returned from Kabul, close to where the attacks took place. “Things are tough there. The Taliban seems to be trying to win hearts and minds in a variety of different ways. And, things are heating up. We’re going to see more activity between now and September 23, when Ramadan starts.”
CURE International provides physical and spiritual healing for disabled children in developing countries. According to Brantner, that means they have to be careful. “We have to be more deliberate in regards to security around the hospital. CURE is taking care of a lot of people of different ethnic groups that you find within Afghanistan.”
He adds, “Our hospital is unapologetically Christian in how they approach things. And the people know that this is a Christian work and their faith is what’s motivating them to be in Kabul and to serve the people there. And, they see that.”
CURE workers tell Brantner that people should pray. “We don’t want them just to see that we were great humanitarians, or that we’ve come here and have given them great health care, but pray that they actually see the glory of God through this.”
In the meantime, your support can help a child experience Christ’s love for them through their ‘Partners Program.’ Brantner says, “It’s a way that people (who) want to support us can get involved and actually provide a surgery for a child. The average cost of our surgeries is about $1,000.”
Click on the link below to help a child get the help they need.