Bangladesh (MNN) — Compassion Radio is praising God and sending out a huge "thank you" to everyone who responded to their emergency plea for funds for people in Bangladesh after the floods from Cyclone Sidr that struck the country in November 2007.
Compassion Radio said that the great response has helped them to help thousands of families. A report from a partner in the field said that they were able to give 1,000 families food aid, provide clothes for 1,000 families, and give building materials to 200 families who need to reconstruct their homes.
All this was possible, despite the dropping dollar and the sky-rocketing prices of goods, according to the partner. They were able to get good deals on the items, and no lives were lost during the distribution. But there were a few close calls, with one man shaken up in a mugging and a driver being beaten at a ferry crossing. Compassion reports that the need is still great, but they are very grateful for the supplies that have helped so many more families.
Compassion Radio expresses gratitude for your love of brothers and sisters you've never met but cared for in their time of need. If you'd still like to help, go here.