International (MNN) — As the years' end approaches,
Christian Resources International's Fred Palmerton says there are a lot of
believers anxiously awaiting a shipment of Bibles, devotionals and children's
materials. "It just touches my heart so much for those people that can't
get the Word of God over there, someplace overseas. They're waiting, and they're
wondering, 'Did CRI get the money to ship my books?'"
CRI gets more than 250 letters a month
from pastors and Christian workers in developing countries whose churches have
no Bibles or Christian books. The reports they've collected over the past 50
years indicate that the pastor of a typical developing church may have access
to one copy of the Bible, often shared with other pastors, and perhaps one or
two theological books.
Many have less than that. CRI regularly
receives requests for help from pastors who do not have even a New Testament to
use in their pastoral work. That's why CRI works through the
community of Christians in North America.
They take
donated used materials and send them to missionaries and national pastors
overseas, equipping them for their ministries. Over 100 categories of donated resources are stored at CRI until they
are shipped to Christians around the world who request them.
Bibles to children's books, commentaries to cassettes, there's very little
Christian material that isn't desperately needed by missionaries overseas.
However, they're being held back by a lack of
funds. "The greatest need right
now, with the end of the year coming, is shipping funds for all of those books
stacked up in our library. We've got
containers waiting to go to India, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Liberia, South
If you'd like to help send these much-needed Bibles and literature overseas, click here.