International (MNN) — Love Packages' Steve Schmidt says their ministry is on target to break records this year.
Right now, they're averaging about 20 tons a week of literature being
sent out. "This morning, we shipped 20 tons out to Bucharest, Romania. Last week, we shipped 20 tons to Gospel
Literature Distribution in cooperation with World Missionary Press. We shipped 20 tons to Campus Crusade for
Christ in Zambia. Next week, we're shipping 20 tons to Liberia
to Every Home For Christ."
Statistics show that every piece of literature will be read
by an average of 20 people. Each container has at least 1 million pieces, so the
potential is to reach 20 million every time the ministry sends a container.
Throughout the United States, Schmidt says there
are people with extra literature, and they didn't know what to do with it. Love Packages can put that literature in the
hands of people who are hungry for the Word of God.
Schmidt says God has been blessing with enough funding to
cover their shipping costs. A 20-ton container
costs between $3000 to $9000 to send. The literature that is shipped in mail
bags costs $1 per pound. When expenses are accounted for, the cost to ship a
single piece of literature costs less than a dime per pound.
That money comes in on faith promises. Explains Schmidt, "God promises that His Word will not return
unto Him void, but it will accomplish the thing that He's purposed in His own
heart to do. We see people who have no other way of knowing about the Gospel,
who just get a booklet here, a Sunday School item there, and their lives are being
changed." Click here if you can help.