USA (MNN) — Faith Comes By Hearing is an organization committed to reaching the world with the Word of God in audio, offering the Bible in a format that will connect with the world's 50% illiterate population. This Christmas, the ministry is offering something specifically focused on the meaning of the season.
John Wilke of FCBH explains. "Faith Comes By Hearing is offering the 'Christmas Story,' as we call it, as a podcast that has a word-for-word dramatized reading of the New Testament books of Matthew and Luke. It's the harmonized Gospels about the birth of Jesus."
The podcast, Wilke says, it a great tool for you to use to share your faith and introduce people to the Christ of Christmas, which helps fulfill their ministry goals. "Our ministry goals are to disciple people to come to know God better. In the Christmas story, the angels told the shepherds to go to the manger and they would find Jesus there. Then, in the tomb, the angels said, 'You won't find Him here.' So we want to help people come to find God. "
While the Christmas Story is available on their website: FaithComesByHearing.com, Wilke says, "People can get this Christmas Story by texting the word 'Christmas' to 80672. So this would be a way for people with technology to tell their friends to forward it on through text messages to other folks."
You can also post the audio on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook.
Faith Comes By Hearing isn't stopping there. Wilke says they've sent the Christmas Story to every radio station in the United States. "We've invited them to take this and broadcast it on their station, because most stations are looking for holiday programming — especially family-friendly holiday programming. This time of year they even change their formats and just broadcast Christmas music."
Wilke believes this is a unique time to do this. "This is a time of year when people are open to hearing about spiritual matters, or they're lonely or sad because they've lost a family member or loved one during the year. And so we want people to be able to turn toward God during the Christmas season."
You can listen or download the audio at FaithComesByHearing.com.