USA (MNN) — For many homeless this winter, the only thing that stands between them and the bitter cold winds and snow is a thin sheet of plastic. There are countless reasons that a person, or a family, gets to that point, but there is one thing you can do to help make their life a little warmer.
Here's Life Inner City wants to send out another wave of Homeless Care Kits. The kits that are distributed have a much-needed blanket, socks, and a hat and scarf. There are also several hygiene items such as a comb, razors and shaving cream, soap, and a toothbrush and toothpaste. Most importantly, kits include the Gospel of John along with a clear presentation on how to receive Christ as Savior.
In the face of harsh winter conditions, these kits can mean the difference between life and death. A man called Carl was found on the streets during a kit distribution with holes in his jacket covered up by duct tape.
Another man named Steve had been divorced twice and could not keep a job, though he was educated and intelligent. His addiction had taken over his life and left him on the streets. Through the care kits, Steve found a local ministry for addiction recovery.
Lu fled Burma to come to the United States. She seemingly disappeared for a while after a local ministry met her. However, when word got around about the Homeless Care Kit distribution, Lu showed up and received a copy of Scripture in her native language. She accepted Christ and began sharing the Gospel with other people who spoke her language.
Care kits help change eternity.
Each kit costs $33. Go here to give someone the gift that may change their life.