Burma (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders is praising the Lord for the encouraging reports coming from Burma. Last week we reported that Aung San Suu Kyi was elected to parliament. She was held under house arrest for years for her outspoken views of democracy. However, reforms appear to be taking place.
Vision Beyond Borders works in Burma and is receiving positive news. They just received a report from the Free Burma Rangers, a group that was able to meet with and pray for several of the ex-generals. They were invited to Burma for the release of several political prisoners, including a personal friend of theirs who had been imprisoned several times by the Burmese government.
VBB reports God truly set up and orchestrated the meetings, and it was an incredible testimony to the things God is doing in that country. VBB reports God is answering the prayers of His people. Miracles are taking place in front of their eyes.
Bibles are greatly needed to help Christians in Burma. VBB leaders believe God will use the oppressed people of Burma to be a witness for Christ in this time of change in the country.