International (MNN) — In a time when the cost of living is
skyrocketing, poverty is on the rise and money doesn't go as far as it used to,
most businesses are scaling back to survive until better conditions are a
But, Global Advance president David Shibley says they're going the other
way. Global Advance teams are busier
than ever with pastoral training and marketplace missions training. They've doubled last year's numbers and have
21 conferences scheduled between mid-September and the end of the year.
Notably, a trend has developed pointing to a strong
dedication to the Gospel. "The
median age in our conferences continues to go down. We're seeing a whole new
generation of pastors coming to the fore."
Younger pastors coming in record numbers for training
translates to a sense of urgency. "There is a greater hunger; there is a greater intensity,
particularly among young pastors. So I'm very encouraged. There are tremendously
courageous men and women around the world who are carrying the
At the invitation of local believers, Global Advance goes
into a country and provides Frontline Shepherd's conferences to help church
leaders. But they also hold Marketplace Conferences to help Christian business
people to use their business to serve Christ.
Keep praying for the training teams. There may come a time where outside teams
won't be welcomed. "We believe it's
the time to pull out all of the stops and work while it is day, while we have
opportunity to equip the church around the world, to have a strengthened
pastoral leadership, strengthened leadership in the marketplace to fulfill the
Great Commission."
Recently, one of those who faithfully worked "while it is day" at Global Advance suddenly went home to be with the Lord. Dale Witt, international director for 13 years, died of an apparent heart attack Saturday September 13.
Shibley says, "We never knew a man with a greater love for pastors, especially for those servants of Christ who labor in needy, underserved areas."
Pray that the work of providing national pastors and church leaders
with a vision in their hearts for the advance of the Gospel will continue.
Global Advance has
designed tools for the ongoing training of frontline shepherds such as CD Virtual Institutes, 2tim2.org, and the LifeBook training manual.
Click here for more details.