Cambodia (MNN) — International organizations say tens of
thousands of women and children are involved in sex trade in Cambodia and
Thailand. Poverty drives an industry where a pedophile can buy a child for a
bag of rice.
Greed is an issue in Thailand where 40% of the 8- to 15-year-olds are forced into a life of prostitution. In Cambodia, a high demand for virgins is
fueling the flow of underage girls into Cambodia's sex trade where the
industry accounts for 100 new HIV/AIDS cases a day.
Even as more voices join the fight against human
trafficking, the industry has found ways to keep the supply and demand ongoing.
Consequently, the faces of the victims have changed but not the flow.
Hoskins with
OneHope says they've launched a prevention campaign in the "green harvest"
areas. "Pimps from the cities–the
mafia, the crime lords–go out into the rural areas, and they recruit children
and young people from farmers who are very ignorant and very poor. Promises are made, and the poor sell their children so that they can get
money. That's where the war is really
being fought; that's the front line."
Comprehensive efforts are being made, beginning at the local
level, to reduce the market. That's where
decisions are made by parents on whether or not to sell their children.
OneHope is in the rural schools sharing the Gospel and
raising a harvest of a different kind. Hoskins
says that's why their work in the rural schools is strategic. "I think by us going to the grass roots
areas where the recruitment is taking place, and sharing the love of
Jesus–it's the most powerful weapon this church has to combat this 'green
harvest' and to be able to stem the tide of boys and girls being drawn into
this horrible sex trade."
Pray that the doors remain open for help from OneHope. It costs 33 cents to provide a Book of Hope to a child–it's a chronological and harmonized version
of the four Gospels telling the story of the life of Jesus.
that OneHope would reach its 2009 Faith Goal of the distribution of 800,000 copies of the Book
of Hope in Thailand and 625,000 in Cambodia. You can help. Click here to learn more.