China (MNN) — Around the world, countries like China are rolling back pandemic-related restrictions. During the journey back to a new normal, many ministries are finally able to return to the methods they’re used to for doing ministry.
But not everything is simply going to revert back to pre-pandemic ministry. In fact, China Partner reports that these challenges have also presented opportunities for change that lasts.
For example, many registered churches in China relied solely on in-person visitors for ministry. If people didn’t show up on Sunday morning, the church likely wasn’t going to reach them. Now, however, pastors have turned to digital recordings of sermons and programming. Pastors are becoming well-known outside of their immediate communities for their preaching, and some sermons have distributed all over entire provinces and beyond.
What’s more, China Partner is considering turning some of their training materials into digital video material. For the last few years, they’ve developed small group ministry training tools and distributed them via ebook and hardcopy. While they wait for missions in China to return to normal, they’re looking into recording some of those materials. They may also consider asking Chinese pastors in the United States to teach the courses in their heart language.
Photo courtesy of China Partner
It’s another way God is helping His Church make the most of a tragic situation.
“One thing that is… a common denominator is that the church will survive this. And not only will it survive, it will continue to grow,” Burklin says. “It’s his church, and he will move forward and he will continue the ministry.”
So pray. Pray for the Chinese Church and the organizations that partner with local believers. Pray that “God would give us as a staff patience and wisdom how to proceed to use this downtime, so to speak, for His glory.”
China Partner and other organizations plan to use this nontraditional time to develop new solutions. Consider partnering with them in their efforts directly by using the link here.
Header photo courtesy of China Partner.