Ghana (MNN) — In Ghana, the Prampram Health Clinic is the primary medical care facility in the region, servicing ten thousand residents.
Oasis Institute's Art Speck says the need for the recent clinic expansion and a security wall has been met through community effort and partnership. The building process has helped underscore the evangelistic mission of the Oasis Training Center. "We are 'training to live and living to train,' so we're training church leaders and church pastors to be able to motivate people and to be able to work together. In projects such as the clinic, it involves the whole community, so it lends credibility to what we're doing."
Oasis helped to organize a community Christmas parade aimed at raising funds for the completion of the Recovery wing of the facility. The minister of health was in attendance and encouraged the people of Prampram to continue supporting their work for the benefit of the community.
Is it working? Last year, one pastor helped. This year, the planning committee had help from seven pastors from several different churches. Also, last year they raised just $396. This year, they raised $2750.
Speck says they're hoping the clinic will be completed by the end of the year. Pray for them as they build into future ministry. "They see that we're not just out to make a name for ourselves, but we're actually trying to do something for them, in helping them. So it makes them much more receptive to the Word of God."