International (MNN)–Global Advance’s David Shibley says they’re nearing a milestone of training their ‘Millionth Man’. The ministry is equipping one million pastoral leaders with hopes of challenging them to plant a million new churches.
Since 1990, over 320,630 Frontline Shepherds have been trained for ministry in over 72 nations. In 2006, Global Advance marked 52 training conferences.
Shibley says, due to continued growth like this, they’re likely to reach that goal in 2007. “We are poised now, to literally double the number of our conferences, next year.” That translates into 104 Frontline Shepherds Conferences for pastors, and Marketplace Missions conferences for Christian business leaders.
The most encouraging thing, he shares, is that this year, “In the developing nations, 25-percent of our conferences next year will be led by nationals, wonderful men of God, who have led the way in their nations in presenting the Gospel, and in church planting.”
Shibley urges prayer as the team implants Great Commission vision. “We see a very rapid acceleration now toward that millionth man, and as one of our wonderful brothers in Africa said to me, ‘Dr. Shibley, your millionth man, we believe, is in Africa.’ I believe that as well. I see that God is raising up this wonderful mission force to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Frontline Shepherds are the unsung heroes of the international church: the native pastors, evangelists and church leaders who willingly sacrifice everything to preach the Gospel and establish churches among unreached people groups.
Often they face incredible opposition, lack vital resources, and have no access to theological or ministry training. Click here if you want to help.