Middle East (MNN) — Many SAT-7 viewers in the Middle East have compiled their own hand-written collection of Scriptures they receive through SAT-7's television programs.
There are eight to nine million viewers, and the vast majority are non-Christian. SAT-7 believes this reflects the great hunger for God's Word and the spiritual famine that exists in the Middle East. SAT-7's programs are practically the only source believers have for obtaining the Word of God. Even if they were to receive a Bible, they may not be able to read it.
Programs like "Champions of Faith" and "Bible Treasures" look at Scripture very closely through story and study. "WordWatchBible" is solely Bible readings.
Bible Societies in the Middle East produce these programs in places where they are able to exist. SAT-7 said this hunger highlights the need for partners who can contribute monthly to keep the programs on air. A majority of the gifts will go directly to program costs, but $10,000 of it will be set aside to provide Bibles to viewers who request them through
the Bible Societies.
For Middle Eastern viewers who cannot read, simply hearing the verses helps them learn them more and more each time. Some viewers watch only behind closed doors for fear of being discovered. Others request that Scriptures are sent to their cell phones via text message.
Non-Christian parents have written to SAT-7 to request Bibles because their children request that they read a Bible story to them before bed "just like Rita," a popular host of a SAT-7 children's show.