Haiti (MNN) – Food insecurity now affects about 40 percent of the population, according to UNICEF. For Haiti With Love supports struggling families in Cap-Haïtien and the surrounding rural area of Northern Haiti with the recent shipment of food. The meal packets consist of rice, dehydrated vegetables, and a vitamin powder essential for treating malnutrition. “We are feeding about 200 to 500 people. So we’re hoping it will last a year,” says DeHart.
The situation has gotten more critical since we brought the food crisis to your attention three months ago, when For Haiti With Love shared an opportunity to deliver emergency food to Haiti. Since then, Roseline DeHart says donors funded the shipment from Feed My Starving Children, and it successfully arrived to its destination. DeHart says, “Thank you to our donors, and everybody that donated. That food is at the headquarters in Haiti, helping the hungry people in Haiti.”
Often when goods arrive to one of Haiti’s ports, the shipping containers get stuck at the dock customs or even held up by the local gangs. However, For Haiti With Love received the container of emergency food without any delays.
The food program is an addition to the burn clinic For Haiti With Love already operates at no charge. They don’t turn any patients away and even receive some referred from hospitals. In a typical month, the clinic will treat around 200 patients, and the supplies for each treatment cost on average five US dollars. Patients with severe burns have to revisit the clinic several times until they are completely healed. Without proper treatment, many of their patients would have died from infections.
The food program and clinic are saving the physical lives of Haitians. Both services also provide many opportunities for the staff to be witnesses for Christ. For example, the staff pray for the people who receive food.
DeHart says,
“We tell them that it’s all because of God that we are here to be able to feed them. And they always ask us about who God and who Jesus is.”
For Haiti With Love needs ongoing support to continue serving Haitians. Learn more about the ministry and how you can help.
“We are God’s hands and feet and we try as best as we can to help as many people as we can,” says DeHart.
Photos courtesy of For Haiti With Love.