Albania (MNN)–Albania’s government recognizes Bethany Christian Services as a licensed adoption agency.
Bethany has been active in the country of Albania since 1991 when they began working with the Government prior to the democratic elections. Their team has grown to over 60 professionals who provide a variety of services for the children and families in Albania.
They have medical clinics in which they serve families, especially women and children. There are also social workers in hospitals, providing vital information to mothers, and social workers in schools where children are at very high risk for institutionalization and separation from their families.
The team always keeps apprised of the legal scenario between home country and adoptive country. Now, two new adoption laws are being enforced. The first requires that all families go through a mini-assessment with a psychologist, and the second requires all families to have two court hearings.
With the first, the family meets with a psychologist in the country prior to the court hearing for a short home assessment. They observe the parents and child together and a report is then written for the court.
With the second law, the court hearings serve a two-fold purpose. The first is to hear testimony from all parties involved and to take into evidence all reports. The second is to review any information not covered in the first hearing or to respond to any further questions that may have come up.
The changes aren’t expected to add lengthy delays to the adoptive process. Bethany works to provide children with the hope and love of Christ through family services.