International (MNN) — A myriad of oppressions come with poverty: child prostitution, a lack of education, the trafficking of drugs and people. Satan will do anything to keep people worldwide trapped in these chains, but one ministry fights for the freedom found in Jesus Christ alone.
Compassion International celebrated a big gain recently in their global fight against poverty: the ministry registered its 3,000th leadership development student–a young man from India.
"100% of kids that are in that program are graduating," said Compassion's Greg Muger, "which is amazing, considering that on average, only 55% of Americans that start school finish."
Compassion developed its Leadership Development Program to draw young people out of poverty and turn them into future leaders of their countries. Each year, about 1,000 Compassion-assisted kids receive Christian leadership training, a university education, and mentoring.
"All that training is used to impact their own nations in the name of Christ, and to release others from poverty in Jesus' name," Muger explained. But freedom doesn't come without a fight.
"In the fight against poverty, the enemy is attacking 24/7," said Muger. "The last thing that he wants is for ethical, capable leaders to end the cycle of poverty that is undermining their nation."
Ask God to protect emerging leaders.
To take part in the Leadership Development Program, candidates must meet several requirements, including graduation from Compassion's sponsorship program and secondary school. Muger said graduates of this program have become congresswomen, lawyers, physicians, high court judges, and pastors. Click here to read stories of their success.
"These are dedicated, hard-working, passionate young men and women seeking to see a difference in their country," said Muger.
Compassion operates this program in 20 developing nations around the world. Want to impact the integration of your field in another country? Sponsor a future leader in your line of work.
"Compassion's been around for 60 years. We know what we're doing in the child development arena," Muger said. "We need faithful supporters to come around us today."