Bolivia (MNN) –The mission of Grace Ministries International is
not only to evangelize people, but also to encourage church growth around the
The team from Bolivia says on January 26, they will be sending
their first cross-cultural missionary–completely supported by the local
community of churches–to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. From there, Lilibeth Ortega will serve from Operation
Mobilization’s "Logos Hope" for the next two years.
Lilibeth grew up in the
city of Santa Cruz and has faithfully served in a GMI local church since
her childhood. Her father is a GMI
Bolivian pastor, and she has been studying theology through the GMI university program.
Team member Jerry Olson writes, "More than anything
else this month, we covet your prayers for Lilibeth. She has never been outside
of South America so this is a big step for her. Pray for courage and strength as she steps
out in faith on one incredible spiritual adventure, that the Lord will lead her
into the right ministry focus aboard 'Logos Hope,' and for wisdom as they travel
from port to port sharing the love of Christ."
The GMI Bolivia team works with the national church
organization (24 churches) in the areas of evangelism, church planting, youth,
and leadership training. Ministries to the youth are being provided through
three schools (K-12) where 1,800 students are receiving Christian-based
education. A year-round camp and AWANA programs in the churches enhance the
ministry with the youth.
Pray for Lilibeth as well as the Bolivian churches who will
be supporting her in prayer and with financial support.