International (MNN) — Every Child Ministries is involved in freeing slaves in West Africa. They're calling for prayer to help end slavery worldwide since this month is the
150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation in the United States and the 200th anniversary for the British empire.
Though the percentage of slaves has decreased in proportion to the population, there are still 27 million worldwide–more than ever before. "Slavery exists because there is human sin and human greed and fear–especially, fear of idol gods. And we as believers have the answers to all of those problems," said Lorella Rouster of ECM.
For that reason, Every Child Ministries is offering a prayer guide for the physical and spiritual freedom of slaves.
ECM is particularly concerned about slavery in West Africa where they are actively freeing slaves in idol temples. While it costs $200 to free a slave and any children born to her while in the shrine, Rouster says, "Money alone cannot do it. This is a spiritual battle, and it's going to take a lot more serious prayer if this bondage is ever
to be broken. That's why Every Child Ministries has prepared a prayer guide."
The guide outlines prayer points and gives practical suggestions so that Christians can put feet to their prayers. Rouster says that prayer is the first step to both physical and spiritual freedom. She says prayer is important in at least two ways.
"First, because many slaves are denied access to hear the Gospel and respond to it," she said. "Secondly, a slave is somebody who is made to feel that they are worthless–that they are unworthy of love and respect. And yet love and respect are basic human needs. So, the hearts of slaves are often really responsive to the Gospel. And we can win them if we pray for them, if we show them love and compassion by freeing them when we're able. Finally, it's important to share the Gospel with them. So that's what this prayer guide
is all about."
As of December 2006, ECM had been instrumental in organizing liberations which ended slavery
in five shrines. That meant 1,000 freed slaves and 4,000 of their children. ECM
also helps these freed slaves with rebuilding their lives after liberation. They offer vocational training and try to develop a Christian education program in the area.
Get the prayer guide by sending a request by e-mail to [email protected], or call 1-866-KIDS-YES.