International (MNN) — A strategy being used by ReachGlobal
in eight countries is called "Community Health Evangelism" or CHE. It's a Christian health and evangelism
ministry promoting community development, partnering with nationals, and
ministering to the whole person.
Partnering with the developer, LifeWind (formerly Medical
Ambassadors), the team is hosting the LifeWind Strategic
Alliance meetings
this week. They're working with leaders
from a number of mission organizations, discussing new and
developing ways to use CHE.
Through CHE, the focus is on what people can become, rather
than what they lack. Instead of giving handouts, teams give a hand up. They provide training in practical skills so
communities can make positive improvements in their living conditions.
Teams train to help prevent disease, protect clean water
sources, devise sanitation systems, and increase agricultural
productivity. They also assist in micro-enterprise
Most importantly, they walk side-by-side with people,
bringing encouragement and hope. They help
communities become stronger in body, mind and spirit, not weak and dependent.
Pray that many will come to know the Lord through
the effectiveness of the CHE strategy in nearly 100 countries.