Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) – A Grace
Ministries team recently wrapped up a seminar in the Democratic Republic of
It was a four-day seminar for school principals and chaplains at Kama. The goal was to equip these leaders to
incorporate godly principles into the education system.
Two tons of Gospel literature and
equipment for evangelistic outreach, including a motorcycle and gas, were sent
to Kama. Two teams doing evangelism in
the schools and villages will use these supplies and plan to visit 100 schools
by Christmas.
Team member Bill Vinton shared
his excitement about being involved in the distribution of literature in two
schools where a total of 165 people responded to the Gospel message after the
showing of the DVD, The God-Man.
Please pray for the two teams as
they travel by motorcycle and bicycle transporting books and equipment, sound
systems, DVD players, and projectors over rough, muddy roads. Pray that God will use them to bring many to