International (IBS/MNN) — Over the centuries, as technology has developed, God's
Word has become more accessible.
From handwritten copies to smart phone access, as society changed, so too
did the means.
Today, YouVersion's Bible App means both portability and easy availability. Biblica
and Zondervan are teaming up to offer 1 million free downloads of the New
International Version (NIV) Bible.
"Hundreds of years later, our generation has benefitted greatly from the
efforts of those who made the King James Version available," said Bobby
Gruenewald, Pastor, Innovation Leader at LifeChurch.tv, creators of YouVersion.
"We are thrilled to join in the celebration by offering free downloads of the
NIV through our partnership with Biblica and Zondervan."
The time available to download the Bible will end at 12:00 pm EST on
Tuesday, March 1.
Once downloaded, a user will be able to access the NIV anytime, anywhere–not
just when connected to the Internet.
"The NIV continues in the tradition of the King James Version by bringing
God's unchanging Word into the language of the people. Our goal at Zondervan is
to see ‘more people engaging the Bible more,' and YouVersion's Bible App helps
accomplish this purpose," said Chip Brown, Senior Vice President and Publisher
at Zondervan. "It is an outstanding resource available on nearly every mobile
device on the market, and that makes accessing God's Word as easy as making a
phone call."
As part of a year-long celebration of the 400th King James Version
anniversary, YouVersion will be offering several unique opportunities to make
the Bible available to more people than ever before.
The online and mobile YouVersion Bible has provided a way for users to read
the best-selling book of all time in record amounts anytime and in any place.
The free Bible App is available on iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, and Android
phones, as well as any web-enabled mobile phone.
Based on the Web site http://youversion.com,
the YouVersion Bible App was developed by the team at LifeChurch.tv. The
Edmond, Oklahoma-based church hosts tens of thousands of people each weekend
during 80 services throughout 14 locations, including Church Online.