Military Reboot addresses complex trauma in veterans

By July 4, 2024

USA (MNN) — Today is Independence Day in the US, a time of parades, cookouts, fireworks, and, this year, a long holiday weekend! Warriors Set Free, a division of Set Free, walks alongside those who fought for our freedom, helping veterans heal from the past and win life’s battles.

(Photo courtesy of Warriors Set Free)

Marty Johnson, Ministry and Outreach Coordinator, says Warriors Set Free is growing its aftercare programs for individuals and families “because the enemy wants us to isolate; he’s going to want you to stay away from people.”

Traditionally, Warriors Set Free helps veterans and first responders find healing in Christ through a freedom appointment. The bonds formed through this experience can whither over time, but Warriors Set Free keeps believers engaged and connected through intentional fellowship.

One group course, developed by Reboot Recovery, helps veterans and their spouses deal with complex or multilayered traumas.

“What we do is called Military Reboot, and it’s a 12-week course that touches on trauma,” Johnson says.

“A lot of the trauma that we deal with doesn’t just come from the military or first responder culture. A lot of stuff happens to us when we’re young.”

Between 10 and 15 people, including Warriors Set Free staff, gather weekly to discuss course material. “We eat, we pray, we have a teaching, just like the apostles did” in Acts 2:42, Johnson says.

“It’s a pretty intense course. When we dig in, people respond amazingly and open up. We call this healthy vulnerability before God and our brothers and sisters.”

As veterans find freedom from the heavy burden called ‘trauma,’ they become better tools in the hands of God. Got questions? Reach out to Warriors Set Free here.

“I’ll go and have a conversation with anybody. I want everybody to experience the freedom I was offered,” Johnson says.

“It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you think you’ve done. God’s bigger than all of it.”




Header image courtesy of Jeff Kubina via Flickr.

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