Guatemala (MNN) — 32 years ago, AMG International began
work in Guatemala in response to a devastating earthquake.
Over the years, the ministry has reached more than 7,000
children with the love of Christ. In
this anniversary year, AMG International's Roger Thomas says the children are
their vision, but evangelism is their focus.
The program's purpose is to proclaim the Gospel and disciple
those who come to know Him as Lord and Savior. AMG's team held special anniversary meetings
to reiterate to the children once again that this is the reason that they are
cared for through AMG.
Thomas says it's also about community change. "We have established Christian homes,
Christian communities and evangelical churches just by that word that's given
to one child. He takes it to his siblings and his parents, and it grows from
that point."
Over the years, the ministry has grown to a national staff
of nearly 500 dedicated workers who labor in the ministry sharing the love of
Christ with thousands of children each year.
They do this through child sponsorships and other
programs. However, there is a new
challenge ahead threatening growth.
Thomas says, "We're faced with increasing gasoline and
diesel fuel prices that affect not only us, but everything we buy. The value of the U.S. dollar is in a crunch,
and the price of rice, in particular, is skyrocketing. In many places, it's
doubled. So the money that we can send
to Guatemala to support the children is buying less food."
Pray for the ministry leaders as they look for ways to
sustain the program and make the funding stretch. Click here if you can help.