Middle East (MNN)–Some say politics, not faith, are central to the Middle East conflict.
However, Evangelist Sammy Tippit says there’s a new trend among the families. A quiet movement of prayer has emerged at a time when people are responding to the Gospel.
“We’re seeing actual family units come to Christ and so we have felt that we need to help facilitate a prayer movement that would undergird what is taking place.” Never one to leave an idea without form, Tippit met with “house church” leaders from an Islamic nation this month where he shared a vision with these leaders about praying for families.
TIppit says, “We just concluded a conference where we brought people from a particular very difficult country and we trained them in the biblical principles of praying for their family.”
Tippit believes this prayer movement could reshape the Middle East. “We’re having materials right now inside this country translated so that there can be a more organized movement that would take place and we’d have materials and tools to help them to know how to pray biblically.”
The ministry will be airing messages in the region on satellite television this spring that will instruct believers in how to pray for their families. Simultaneously, his upcoming book, Praying for Your Family will be released. “Pray that these tools will be safely printed and distributed to the people that they need to get to.”