Mexico (MNN) — On July 1, Mexico elected a new president for the first time in six years —Andrés Manuel López Obrador. However, it will be five months before Obrador officially moves into his presidential role on Inauguration Day, the first of December.
Bringing Trans World Radio’s Steve Shantz in on the topic;
“Partido Revolucionario Institucional, the PRI, has basically been ruling Mexico for years—primarily a right of center party. So now a new president has been elected, representing a totally new party, Morena, and he’s more centered left.”
New Leadership for Mexico

Mexico’s President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Photo courtesy of Arturo Alfaro Galán via Flickr)
In fact, out of the last 89 years, Mexico has spent 77 years with a president from the PRI party. During the other 12 years, the Partudi De Acción Nacional (PAN) party ruled. Now, an entirely new party has come into play, the young Morena party.
With that said, the world’s 15th largest economy is facing a big regime change. And it has left some Mexicans feeling as though they’re in a state of unknown. Some aren’t sure what to expect or how this change will affect the country and its future.
“I think from the Church’s perspective, there may be a concern that the leftist party going to affect the values that the Church stands for and finds important. So, I think these are all just questions that are up in the air right now… we’re just going to see how this plays out,” Shantz explains.
Encouragement Through Sound-Waves
TWR, which broadcasts into Mexico, is offering encouragement through its programming. Shantz says programming includes instilling hope by teaching what Christ and the Bible say, along with sharing Biblical values like compassion, justice, and reconciliation.
“Our prayer is that our broadcasts will reach people’s hearts and help to instill these Christian values into their lives,” Shantz shares.
“We know that there have been stories of corruption and there is a very strong organized crime entity there in the country, we need to pray that these strongholds would be broken and that there would be a sentiment of compassion in the country.”
So please, let’s come alongside our Mexican brothers and sisters through prayer. Pray for the Mexican Church’s encouragement and strength. Also, pray for God’s justice in the country and for people there to have the opportunity to appropriately care for themselves through dignified work. Ask God to bring reconciliation during this time of change and for peace to prevail.
“God can do amazing things, so let’s just pray that God works in a might way in that country,” Shantz says.
And finally, pray for all the people of Mexico to encounter Christ’s truth and transformative love.
Learn more about TWR in Mexico here!
(Header photo courtesy of iivangm via Flickr under Creative Commons)