Men’s teaching ministry wraps up 2006, looks ahead to 2007.

By October 18, 2006

USA (MNN)– Promise Keepers closed the 2006 conference schedule by preaching the hope of the Gospel to over 130,000 men.

This year’s participants learned not only how to unleash their potential from God’s perspective, but also what that potential was and how to overcome fear of failure, or in some cases, fear of success.

PK’s Steve Chavis says building on that momentum, their team is looking ahead to next year full with the promise of action. “Promise Keepers, in 2007, plans men’s conferences in about 16 cities coast to coast. We are looking at men bringing other men who have never been. It’s so exciting to use Promise Keepers as an opportunity for the local church to reach out to other guys.”

In this next season, Promise Keepers will launch more specialized short seminars that are target-specific. “We’ve had real success in the past with ministry to young men, with ministry to prisoners. We are excited about the opportunities in marketplace ministry, and how the businessman and the business owner can really bring their vision and really bring their calling and their talents to work for Jesus Christ.”.

PK’s mission is to ignite and unite men to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ through the effective communication of seven promises to God, his fellow men, family, church and the world. 2006 is Promise Keepers’ 16th year of conference ministry.

The theme for the slate of 2007 men’s conferences is “Promise Keepers ’07 – Alive! Integrity. Courage. Action.”

For more information about the Promise Keepers movement, contact them using the information listed here.

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