USA (MNN) — Last week Ford Motor Company announced it was offering buy outs to its 75,000 workers. With uncertainty at General Motors Corporation men are beginning to ask a lot of questions and are looking for answers. This is also providing incredible opportunities for Promise Keepers, a ministry devoted to men.
Promise Keepers President Tom Fortson says, “I think when a man’s livelihood is threatened, when there’s job insecurity, I think it really causes a man to search who he is, it causes him to question his masculinity, his ability to serve his family, which raises a lot of questions about ‘who am I and why am I here?'”
PK just completed their 14th event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, over the weekend. Fortson says this year’s men’s ministry has had an impact. “We have impacted about 120,000 men thus far. There’s a clear presentation of the Gospel. If there’s an area that we don’t want to miss on, that’s the hill we’ll die on. That the clarity of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, we challenge men who have been on the borderline.”
However, Fortson says this event isn’t only for the unsaved. “We can become passive in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. So, we have some of the best men this country has in proclaiming, not only the salvation message, but calling the guy out to be the man, the husband, the father that God has called him to be. So, they’re challenged.”
PK has faced some criticism over the years and it’s being addressed. “Follow up has been something we have not be good at, but this year, following the event, there is a six week follow up program. And, we are encouraging guys to not only go through this program individually, but also do it in groups.”
Fortson is asking people to pray for Promise Keepers and their remaining four programs. He says men are at a crossroads and they need Christ. PK is also asking people to help them financially.