Tanzania (MNN) — The Grace Ministries International team in
Tanzania reports good news: a missionary aviation outreach has resumed its medical
fly-in clinic in Kapenta.
A team of doctors comes with medicines to Kapenta to
provide medical care to the area one day a month. This is a service to the GMI
team because they're working in a bush outpost.
GMI staffer Chad Zuber shares that their work has been
growing. A recently-planted church in
Sumbawanga has already grown to over 100 people. The great news is that when the invitation was
given to respond to the Gospel, 20 more said "yes" and believed on Christ as
their Savior. Please pray for these new
Among those attending are the students from the new high
school which opened its doors in January. Over 90 students comprise the first
year class. One student came to Chad and told him that he had received Christ
as Savior the previous week at the church.
New outreach and development are constantly taking place
with a special focus on sanitation, agriculture, and evangelism. In the process, many are hearing the Gospel.