Turkey (AMG/MNN) — One of the most effective media outreach of AMG International has been the publishing of the Gospel message as an advertisement in secular newspapers and magazines.
A single ad in a large newspaper or magazine can be read by thousands of people. Each month, thousands around the world have the opportunity to learn about God through these ads.
If a reader responds to the ad, AMG sends him a Bible and Bible correspondence courses. Local AMG staff also encourage respondents to begin attending a church and to continue to study the Bible.
With the local connection, the staff can develop a personal relationship through correspondence, then share more about Christ through Bible study and one-on-one evangelism.
That’s especially effective in areas where outright evangelism causes problems, like in Turkey. Since a vast majority of Turkey’s nearly 80 million people are Muslim, there are
specific cultural issues that come up.
Turkey has very few evangelical believers, but that small number is growing. For more than 20 years, AMG International has been supporting outreach through Bible correspondence course ads placed in local newspapers. Their coworkers also partner with local churches, forwarding them information regarding Bible correspondence course enrollees.
For example, one life that has been changed is that of Cevdet*, who was at one time a Muslim Imam (priest). He is married with two children and actually visited a local church three years ago.
The pastor who met with Cevdet was put in touch with him through the Bible correspondence course. Cevdet is now a person who knows and loves Christ. When the pastor asked him, “What are you?” he replied, “I am not a Muslim. I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus, but I have many, many things to learn.”
The Lord continues working in the nation of Turkey. Please pray for AMG coworkers and their ongoing media evangelism efforts there.
*Some names and location information changed for security