Africa (MNN) – HCJB Global's Dee Walker is working to
implement their "Transformational Goal" in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using the strengths of media, health care and
leadership development, the team can better reach a populace with the hope of
HCJB Global has over a decade of radio ministry in
Africa. Building on the core strategy of
ministry through mass media, health care will open new avenues to reach people
and see communities ultimately changed.
A community development program with a focus on HIV/AIDS and
a ministry to AIDS orphans requires the help of local leaders. That means training and leadership
Rather than issuing marching orders, Walker wants their
partners' input on how to best shape their regional goals. "We've invited
15 of our key partners to a two-day consultation that will be held on the 27th
and 28th of February in Accra, Ghana, to lay this out and have a dialog on this
The team is seeking input from radio and medical partners
from nations such as Niger, Mali, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho and Sierra
One prototype venture in Freetown, Sierra Leone has provided
encouragement toward growth. HCJB Global
is working with Radio Life Venture. Together, they have been focused on bringing the Gospel to unreached
groups, not just using radio, but going into the remote villages with health care
by doing things like improving sanitation, teaching preventive medicine and
drilling water wells.
The bottom line on this project is to get the national leaders
to own the concept. Walker is praying for unity as the team explores the best
way to present the hope of Christ to Africa.
"We all know that Africa is very unstable, politically. It's not
easy to minister in Africa. We would ask people to just pray that as we meet
with these church leaders and radio station leaders and managers, that God's
spirit would just engulf all of us so that we would be sure that this is what
God wants us to do."