International (MNN)– Wycliffe Bible Translators' Bob Creson gives us an update on the progress
of Vision 2025. It's a plan: "To
see a Bible translation in progress in every language community that needs it
by the year 2025."
75 years' worth of history created the capacity to discuss
how they could work in language cluster projects, and how they could meet their
goals by thinking outside of traditional Bible translation. "There have been 539 language
communities that have translation work started since we committed ourselves to
Vision 2025, which represents about 160 million people that now have some
access to at least portions of God's Word."
The Bible translation movement is relatively recent.
According to an article on the Vision
2025 website, 1800 years after Christ was born, only 68 translations had been
In the 19th century, Christians increased the total to over
500. And in the last century, the number has tripled yet again. But not fast enough. Given how much the pace of Bible translation
has accelerated over the last century, it will take 150 years for everyone to
get the Bible.
That's why Wycliffe is calling the worldwide Church to
become a Bible translation movement, end Bible poverty and start
every translation that is needed by 2025.
It's all about cultivating partnerships. The broader the base, the faster the
work. Creson says, "We need as many
North Americans involved in Bible translation as we can get. God is not done with North
America yet. But, the reality on the field is, that more and more
people outside of North America and people outside of Europe
are becoming involved in Bible translation, which creates the capacity that we
really need to continue on the pace that we're on right now."