Ghana (MNN) — The Oasis Training Center in Ghana has a new program and new believers.
At the urging of the community Oasis Training Center began a new Bible Theology study for younger students. "A lot of the people in the community just kind of asked us ‘Can't you do anything for the children, can't you offer any courses for some of the younger people,' so we kind of talked it over and reconsidered and we thought ‘Ok, lets offer a
course Saturday mornings for young people,'" said Ambrose Brennan of Oasis International .
No one showed up for the first meeting 8 weeks ago; until a half hour into the scheduled time. Six students showed up that day. There are now 50 students in the class.
The class has become almost an evangelism class. Two weeks ago they offered the students, who come from very diverse backgrounds, a chance to accept Christ. "About 24 to 26 young people committed their lives to Christ so we are just thrilled about what we are seeing happening in this class," said Brennan.
"They've been our little missionaries, our little evangelists," Brennan said. Students are encouraged to invite others they know that may be interested or may not know
Elsewhere, the leadership class is also seeing encouraging fruit. "One of our goals of course is to raise some indigenous teachers here at the center so they can go back to their
community and be leaders, pastors, teachers," said Brennan. Next week two long time leadership students will be teaching their first class. "The one man specifically, he is really a community and family leader in his village. What he wants to do is really begin teaching members of his own family and members of his own community and then, hopefully, bring others to the training center," said Brennan.
They hope that teachers continue to blossom. "The more teachers we develop the more
classes we can offer so we hope that it will kind of snowball and in the future we will be able to offer more leadership training," Brennan said.
The leadership class is geared toward not only training teachers but church leaders.
"We really gear it toward leadership in the church so basically we are teaching leadership that would be useful in the church, and to develop a church from the beginning," said Brennan.