USA (MNN) — Manuscript Bible Study is something InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has used for years. That method of Bible study is printing scripture on an full sheet of paper and looking at every word, marking important words, under-lining key thoughts, thoroughly studying — not just reading.
That type of Bible study is a treasured memory for InterVarsity Alumni and something that’s becoming a popular activity at alumni events, says InterVarsity’s Alumni Ministries Director Doug Nickelson. “It’s almost welcoming them back into something they loved in the past, but haven’t had much experience with since leaving the campus. When there’s an alumni reunion or retreat, the Manuscript Bible Study component will be central to that and they just come away from it saying, ‘Oh I just missed this so much!'”
Nickelson says this type of study is also helpful for those searching for truth. “On campus, we have groups that are investigating God. When we use it evangelistically it helps students understand what God says about Himself. And, for adults as well, when you can take them into the text of God’s word, then the process of God revealing Himself through His living word does become very evangelistic.”
The Manuscript Bible Study program is going to be introduced to everyone at Urbana in 2006. Nickelson is praying that this will have an incredible impact on those in attendance at the missions conference, which will be held in Saint Louis.