Middle East (MNN) – There are some existential questions that humans ask across time, cultures, and country borders. What is the meaning of life? Is there a god? Do I have a purpose? And even those who know there is a god may have other questions to ask. The following is a story, shared by Frontiers USA, about a man who knew God existed but wasn’t sure where that left him.
Ali grew up in a Muslim home. Despite his faith in Islam for most of his life, Ali had some big questions that kept him awake at night. He was looking for spiritual truth. In college, he met some followers of Jesus who first introduced him to the Gospel. But, Ali’s big questions remained.
He says, “I always felt insignificant. And I just wanted to know that I was not an accident. I was not just a chance or, you know, a man and woman thing that they did together and then I kind of was put on the earth. That was one of the [questions]. And I just wanted to know, ‘Who am I? Who am I to you? Am I significant?”
For some time, Ali did not receive any answers to these deep questions. In fact, he gave up, choosing to remain within the religion of Islam because he wasn’t sure where else to go. But then, a Christian friend invited him to a prayer meeting. Ali agreed to go, asking God to reveal Himself and answer some of the deep questions he had harbored for so long.

Photo courtesy of Frontiers USA.
And God certainly did answer. Ali’s friends prayed over him, and God spoke.
“He said that ‘You are my son. I planned you before you were in your mother’s womb. And I had you and I have you now. You are significant. You are special. And I love you so much. I sent my Son to die for you. I know the struggles that you are going through. And I know the pain that you are going through. Don’t worry, just trust me. I will make everything ok for you.’”
This is just one of the many stories of transformation that Frontiers has encountered in their work to reach the Muslim world for Christ. And they’re continuing their work so more stories like this can happen.
You can join God in what He’s doing in the Muslim world at frontiersusa.org.