Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — The Pioneers and Arab World Ministries Web site, Maarifa.org, was created to present the Good News of the Gospel to young Arab Muslims, answering seekers' questions about Jesus and faith in Him, discipling new believers in their own environment, and encouraging them to find fellowship with others.
It's a wonderful way for people in the Arab world to explore Christ and do it safely. But those who come to the Lord as a result are not guaranteed smooth sailing.
Mohammed, a North African, called some Pioneers missionaries while he was in Saudi Arabia. He connected with them after visiting the Maarifa Web site. He had been possessed by demons for a long time, despite the many attempts of Muslim scholars to cast the demons out.
One of Mohammed's Muslim friends advised him to see the Coptic priest and ask him to pray. God used that priest to cast out all his demons, and he was healed. Another friend suggested he go on the pilgrimage to Mecca to prevent the demons from coming back in the future. While in Mecca, Mohammed dreamed every day about that Coptic priest, and he saw the cross everywhere he looked.
After a few months, he returned to Saudi Arabia for business. While there, his father phoned him and Mohammed told him he had become a Christian. In response, his father told all Mohammed's relatives in Saudi Arabia not to allow his son to leave Islam, Pioneers reports.
When Mohammed's relatives found out about his faith, they took his computer from him and tried to bring him back to Islam. His Saudi employer threatened to fire him and send him to prison. Miraculously, he left in peace and returned to North Africa.
When Mohammed arrived, a relative took him to see a sheikh, who determined that Mohammed was mentally ill and needed to see a psychiatrist. His family committed him to a mental hospital where he received electric shock therapy. It failed to cure him of his new faith.
When Mohammed asked the Pioneers workers to meet him, he said he wanted to learn more about the Bible. For a long time he was afraid to enter a church as many Muslims told him that no Muslim could go in and come out alive. Nevertheless, he finally came and met with the couple, then a pastor, for hours on end. The Pioneers workers report Mohammed was "full of joy that he met people who would listen to him, encourage him, pray with him, and not tell him he was mentally ill."
Mohammed now has a Bible and attends church. He is eager to learn more about Christ and His Word.
Mohammed is just one of many who have made the difficult decision to follow Christ through exploring Maarifa. Click here to find out how you can partner with Pioneers work through Maarifa.