India (MNN) — Ever heard the saying that nothing is impossible? Help India Kids believes that with your help, this is true.
Six months ago, the ministry started up the project Mission Im[Possible], identifying four Help India Kids projects being worked on and providing them with further support.
Help India Kids’ Jonathan Bollback says the mission introduces a big vision for the future.
“Our goal is to raise $4 million over a period of 4 years to help with medical needs, agricultural projects, education projects, and just refurbishments of the campus itself…. Humanly speaking, it is impossible, but with God it is possible. So that’s our theme.”
From the founding of Help India Kids, the ministry has been set on doing visionary projects that seem too good to be true. They look at not only how they can make an impact in the community where they reside, but also in the state, and in the nation.
For Mission Im[Possible], Help India Kids have put their trust completely in God, praying and hoping for His provision. And as a result, they’ve seen donations toward the four projects swell. In the last three months, they’ve received around $70,000.
While the projects are using the money to make physical differences, they’re also being utilized as opportunities to share the Word and Love of God in hard-to-share areas.
“We are a Christian mission. We are in a Hindu country. And so the Gospel is incorporated as carefully as we can,” Bollback explains.
Persecution of Christians in India is not rare. On the Open Doors World Watch List, it’s rated as #21. Many radical Hindus defy Christianity and act out in violence. Yet, Help India Kids still remains a Christian ministry first and foremost. But they must tell the Gospel story cautiously by putting Christ’s love into action.
“The Gospel is presented in action, but it is also presented in word when that’s appropriate.”
Often project staff members will share a few words from the Bible with people touched by their work, but Bollback says workers must have common sense regarding what they say and with whom they speak.
As Help India Kids continues on with the next three and a half years of Mission Im[Possible], can they count on your help to make the impossible possible? Help out here!