USA (MNN)–Collegiate Impact is part of Life Action Ministries -a ministry focused on reviving believers and seeing the nation experience a sweeping spiritual awakening.
Collegiate Impact is now gearing up for the second Institute of Campus Revival and Awakening. Over the course of eight days, the Institute will encourage participants to think and engage deeply, as well as discern what God is saying about campus ministry.
The conference is June 20-27th at Yale University. A common question is ‘Why Yale?’ Because many of the Ivy League schools were founded on Christian principles, with an expressed Christian mission. Although many moved away from those founding principlals, organizers hope to see campus ministries become more evangelistically fruitful.
The New Haven Call, written by participants of the first Institute, is used by faculty, students, and Christians in general to mobilize campus communities for another revival on college campuses. Pray for the team as they make preparations.