Lebanon (MNN/Kids Alive Lebanon) — About half of the 1.5 million refugees in Lebanon are children, most of which are struggling with the recent memories of violence and conflict that haunts them.
“It’s hard for me to forget. I saw so many bad things in Syria,” refugee Fatima al-Lawoz, who witnessed the death of her best friend, told CBC News. Millions of children like al-Lawoz have similar stories of loss and have been stretched thin.
Now drained by grief and fear, refugee kids are looking for a break from the surrounding conflict. And with Christmas drawing near, what better way to encourage and show the love of Christ than to make miracles happen?
Kids Alive Lebanon’s Special Christmas for Special Children project is raising $1,775 to make it a memorable Christmas for the 90 vulnerable and at-risk kids in the Kids Alive Lebanon program.
All year round, the children are given life-saving care and taught the truth about Jesus. But seeing as it’s a “special” time of year, Kids Alive wants to do more than provide: they want to celebrate.
With the $1,775 come specific mini goals, including:
1. An exciting, off-campus field trip for Kids Alive’s school children. At $10 per child, the total will add up to $900.
2. A TV and DVD player to replace old and failing equipment in a Residential unit which, including all the accessories, will add up to $375.
3. Child-enrichment funds to be used for the purchase of books, games, and art supplies to keep children stimulated and encouraged while outside of the classroom, amounting to $500.
With these gifts, Kids Alive is demonstrating the love and nature of what it means to be a follower of Christ. It’s a chance to raise up a new generation of children to be influential leaders inside and outside of Lebanon.
Kids Alive is seeking your help to deliver small miracles to make it a memorable Christmas for refugee children. Your donation will show care and willingness to provide for kids who have lost so much. Click here to enrich young lives and give hope to the hopeless.