International (MNN) — It’s finally summer! Got any big plans? Josh, Travel Coordinator for Vision Beyond Borders, is helping people make an eternal difference on their summer break.
“If we can share the Gospel with someone, they will at least have the opportunity to hear about Christ,” Josh notes. “And, that’s really what we’re called to do as Christians, whether that’s in the United States or other countries.”
The first summer 2014 VBB trip, taking place June 30 to July 14, will focus on carrying Bibles into the closed countries of Southeast Asia.
“These Bibles will go into the hands of believers who are in desperate need,” explains Josh. “The Word of God does not return void, and if we can get the Word of God into the hands of a believer, their life will be changed.”
It may sound dangerous, but Josh assures “for a Westerner, there’s very little risk. We’ll drop off the Bibles, and then [our in-country contacts will] pick them up.”
If you prefer children’s ministry to adventure, then VBB’s Romania trip may be for you. During the last two weeks of July, VBB will be taking short-term teams to an orphanage in Romania.
“We’ll be working at an orphanage in a rural town, and just doing whatever they need, whether that’s construction or playing with the kids,” Josh says. “There will be also outreaches to the Roma people.
“The Roma are a discriminated-against minority within Romania, and we just want to show the love of Christ to these people.”
Teams will also spend time ministering in Romania’s capital city, Josh adds.
“We’ll be doing a Vacation Bible School for children, and also street witnessing in the evening,” he says.

Vision for Children Coordinator, Emilee Durfee, sharing a hug & lots of love with one of the many precious kiddos in Romania!
(Image, caption courtesy VBB)
The deadline for both of these trips has been extended to this Thursday, May 29. Contact VBB here to secure your place on one of these teams.
If you can’t join one of these trips, pray for those who do. “Pray that travelers would represent Christ and would bring the light of God’s Word and His message to the people in these two countries,” requests Josh.
Pray that Bibles will get into hands of people who need it, and believers in closed countries will be drawn closer to Christ through Scripture.